Bisexual+ Labels

You can refer to the glossary of labels under the bisexual+ umbrella here: Source From the article, SOURCE.

AC/DC: capable of being sexually aroused and satisfied by either sex. This slang term was coined by analogy to an electrical appliance which operates on either alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC). Source

Ambisexterous: Someone who goes both ways. Source

Androsexuality: Describes sexual attraction to masculine presenting and/or masculine identified people whether or not those individuals identify as male. 

Anthrosexual: This term means "sexuality involving humans" and includes all genders but does not refer to sexual orientation or practice. Basically, Anthrosexuality means turning a blind eye to gender. So whether a person is straight, gay, bisexual, transgender, female to male, male to female, ftm, mtf, queer, pansexual—it doesn't matter. What matters is the connection you have with the person. Source

Bi: Bi is an umbrella term used to describe a romantic and/or sexual orientation toward more than one gender. Bi people may describe themselves using one or more of a wide variety of terms, including, but not limited to, bisexual, pan, queer, and some other identities. Source

Bicurious: Folk interested in having a same-gender or different gender sexual or romantic experience, which would fit underneath the bisexual umbrella.

Biemotional: A person who has an emotional and romantic attraction to and has romantic relationships with both sexes. This term does not imply a certain sexual orientation. Note: This term is in contrast to the term bisexual, which in its dictionary definition implies merely a sexual attraction to both sexes, with no regard to emotional attachment whatsoever. Source (Urban Dictionary)

Biromantic: A person who is romantically attracted to two or more genders. They may seek affection and companionship, but may not necessarily be sexually attracted to their partners. Sometimes the phrase “sexual orientation” is misleading due to the word sex in the title. However, they still seek attraction more emotionally.

Bisexual: Bisexual is an identity and also an umbrella term used to describe a romantic and/or sexual orientation toward more than one gender. Bisexual people may describe themselves using one or more of a wide variety of terms, including, but not limited to, bisexual, pan, queer, and some other identities. Source

Demisexual: A word used to describe someone who does not experience sexual attraction unless there is an emotional attraction with a potential partner. This word can encompass attraction to any gender, as to why it may fit under the umbrella.

Down-low: Slang in the Black community for Black men secretly engaging in homosexual activity. Source (Urban Dictionary)

Fluid: attraction is not fixed and includes people of more than one gender which may continuously shift over time.

Gray-a: A "grey-ace" or people who identify as gray-A can include, but are not limited to those who:

1) do not normally experience sexual attraction, but do experience it sometimes,

2) experience sexual attraction, but a low sex drive,

3) experience sexual attraction and drive, but not strongly enough to want to act on them,

4) people who can enjoy and desire sex, but only under very limited and specific circumstances

It is also sometimes mistaken as a medical dysfunction HSDD. Source (Urban Dictionary)

Gynosexuality: Describes sexual attraction to feminine presenting and/or feminine identified people whether or not those individuals identify as female. 

Hasbian: A former lesbian who is now in a heterosexual relationship. Source (Urban Dictionary) This word is controversial as some folks who identify as bisexual feel this term is invalidating.

Heteroflexible: A word used to describe situational homosexual behavior or attraction despite a primarily heterosexual orientation. This word is controversial as some folks who identify as bisexual feel this term is invalidating.

Homoflexible/Lesboflexible: A word used to describe situational heterosexual behavior or attraction despite a primarily homosexual orientation. This word is controversial as some folks who identify as bisexual feel this term is invalidating. Source

Mostly gay: A word used to describe people who are usually attracted to people of the same gender, but might occasionally be attracted to people of a gender different than their own. This word is controversial as some folks who identify as bisexual feel this term is invalidating. Source

Mostly straight: A word used to describe people who are usually attracted to people of a different gender, but might occasionally be attracted to people of the same gender. This word is controversial as some folks who identify as bisexual feel this term is invalidating.

MSM: Men who have sex with men. Can include bisexual+ men.

Multisexual: attraction to multiple sexes.

No label: Some people feel that their sexuality, while not limited by sex or gender, is best left unlabeled because it is not central to their sense of self and/or because they hate labels.[AW1] 

Non-heterosexual: sexual identity encompassing all things not strictly hetero. May include gay, bi, queer, polysexual, gay-ish, gay-like, gay on the weekends, gay when drunk, etc.

Oligosexual: is defined as "one who does not experience sexual attraction except toward a few specific people." Source (Wikipedia)

Omniromantic: Someone who is romantically attracted to anyone regardless of gender identity and/or sex. Can have phases when they are more commonly attracted to a specific group, also may be mostly biromantic or something else. But is still attracted to all groups. Can be confused with panromantic but generally has a different view of genders, simply that it makes no difference to them. Source (Urban Dictionary)

Omnisexual: attraction to all sexes.

Panromantic: A Panromantic person is a person that can be romantically attracted to all genders, but not sexually. Source (Urban Dictionary)

Pansexual: attraction to all genders, with a political emphasis on transgender and non-binary gender identities.

Polyromantic: Someone who is romantically attracted to more than one person at a time. They are not the same as bi or poly romantic, however, someone who identifies as polyromantic can identify as pansexual so it has the potential to fit under the umbrella.

Polysexual: attraction to multiple sexes

Queer: A word sometimes used to refer to folks with a non-heterosexual orientation, sometimes meaning attraction to more than one gender. Queer can also be its own umbrella term that defines non-heterosexuality and/or not being cisgender.

Questioning: Refers to individuals who are in the process examining their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. Source

SGL: Same gender loving. Can include bisexual+ people.

Switch-hitter: a bisexual or sexually flexible guy/gal. Originally meant someone who bats with both hands equally well, or someone who plays for both teams. Source (Urban Dictionary). This word is controversial as some folks who identify as bisexual feel this term is outdated.

WSW: Women who have sex with women/women seeking women. Source Can include bisexual+ women.

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