4 Questions Every Bisexual Guy Should Ask A Potential Therapist
Find out the answers you want to hear—and the red flags to watch out for.
Encountering Biphobia and Challenging White Supremacy In Western Psychology
As recently as a few months ago, I had to tactfully point out to a fifth therapist how their words and theories they’d learned in their schooling pathologized queerness (a la, queerness is born from trauma in utero or in childhood) and their language surrounding bisexuality (“changing sexuality” from straight to gay) was biphobic and inept.
A 7 Day Mental Health Workout Plan
A path to staying mentally tough and centered.
Rest Is Not a Waste of Time
How such a simple sentiment could be so difficult, and why it strikes a chord.
2 Reasons You Should Always Forgive but Never Forget
t’s good for you to let go of your anger and forgive, but forgetting isn’t required or even necessarily healthy.
4 Things I Learned About Forgiveness While Traversing Through Europe
You may be wondering what correlation there is between traveling and forgiving, but soon it will become more apparent as I take you through the four things I learned about forgiveness while traversing through Europe.
Gender & Sexuality
"Bisexual Men Are The Best In Bed" Is Fetishistic Biphobia
It’s safe to say, touting bisexual+ men’s presumed superlativeness encourages sexual intrigue firmly rooted in reducing bisexual+ men to objects of sexual pleasure and gratification.
Lil Nas X & What It Takes To Become A Gay Black Icon
What does it mean to witness Lil Nas X not only unfold in all his complexity but also be platformed by larger media? To be the expansive, daring, playful artist that he is?
How Black Mirror’s “Striking Vipers” episode failed bisexual men & trans women
Striking Vipers” exploited the trope of Black bi+ men as liars while refusing to have characters who explore bisexuality to acknowledge it.
The conditioning that fuels the mental health epidemic for Black men, and how to stop it
It’s not too late to challenge and unlearn these values that bring Black men harm and cause harm to others.
The In-Between: The View from the Shore
On top of these tensions surrounding my race and ethnicity, I was also often ridiculed by kids and adults on every side for how I presented my gender.
Why Black LGBTQ+ people get upset when our most prominent people show up with white partners
Because we live in this society, anti-Blackness is very common among us, perhaps even more so when we date outside our race.
Why bisexual people don’t owe anyone disclosure of their sexuality
While coming out can be incredibly validating, a way to filter out people who are unsafe to be vulnerable around, symbolic of personal growth, a mark of acceptance of yourself and can allow people to see you in your totality, the reality is not always as poetic, specifically for bisexual people.
In defense of The Gay Agenda: Reimagining life without cis-heteros
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to live in a world without cisgender heterosexual people after all.
Gay and Bi Men Took Over the #ProudBoys Hashtag, but Will It Actually Do Any Good?
Thanks for the cute couple pics, but this is a white supremacist organization.
T.J. Osborne has some things to say about being an openly gay artist on a major country label
Country rocker T.J. Osborne, of duo Brothers Osborne, came out as gay in a February 2021 interview with Time magazine, effectively making him one of the only openly gay artist signed to a major country music label.
Actor Griffin Matthews went viral after he put the racist Broadway community on blast
In a seven minute video that went viral last May, Broadway actor, playwright, and self-proclaimed “zaddy” Griffin Matthews took his racist colleagues to task.
Phillipe Cunningham leads the effort to end predatory policing one year after George Floyd’s murder
Cunningham’s statement echoed calls from Black activists who’ve insisted for decades that removing police and policing is the only way to end state murder and the targeting of people of color.
What’s the Difference Between “Queer” and “Straight” Bisexual Men?
"And it doesn’t make somebody more or less bisexual in my mind, it’s just about culture. Like what culture do you come from? What’s happening for you?"
Bisexuals: You’re valid members of the LGBTQ+ community no matter who you’re dating
"If someone doesn't experience bisexuality themselves, why do they get the power to decide if your identity is valid?"
Black Bisexual Men: Only Come Out If It's Right For You
"People don’t seem to realize that disclosing is incredibly personal, and the world doesn’t make it safe for us to be bisexual."
Why Don't Black Men Get To Be Bisexual
“We’ve all been conditioned to hear the word ‘bisexual’ in Black men, and automatically think, ‘Oh, they’re going to cheat and give me HIV’ or that they are secretly gay.”
How Ryan Russell Is Combating Bisexual Stigma, For The NFL And Fans Alike
“Because of this [dismissal] that bi+ people face, our sexualities are usually erased, made more ‘digestible’ as being either gay or straight depending on who you're in a relationship with and how masculine or feminine you are.”
12 People Share How They Knew They Were Bisexual
“Growing up, people gaslit me and said that because I was feminine my attraction to girls wasn’t real.”